Somia Asim Wife of Civil Judge Arrested in Maid Torture Case

Civil Judge Asim Hafeez’s wife Somia Asim was arrested on Monday for assaulting 14-year-old housemaid Rizwana after a district and sessions court in Islamabad dismissed her interim bail.

Somia Asim Wife of Civil Judge Arrested in Maid Torture Case

Additional Sessions Judge Farrukh Fareed heard the case and quashed Somia’s bail, ordering her arrest in the case that garnered huge attention, with public outcry demanding justice for the young victim.

The judge told the prosecution not to be influenced by any pressure while finding the facts, directing them to probe the case on merit.

Last week, the civil judge’s wife secured bail as she affirms her willingness to provide a detailed statement before the investigating officer to prove her innocence. The accused expressed confidence in the probe.

The development comes as the heart-wrenching case of violence against the domestic help, Rizwana, who served at the residence of the Administrative Officer of Islamabad Judicial Complex, triggered outrage and concern.

The case was registered at the Humak police station in response to the complaint from the

girl’s father, a labourer by profession. According to the FIR, he sent his daughter to the house of the judge at Zartaj Housing Society through an acquaint against Rs10,000 per month salary.

On July 23, he along with his wife and brother-in-law came to the judge’s house to meet his daughter and found her injured and weeping in a room, it added.

They found infected injuries on her head besides wounds all around the face, both arms and legs, the FIR said, adding her tooth was also found broken and swilling on both lips and eyes.

“Her ribs were also found broken, and injuries were found on her back. Marks of strangulation were also found around her neck.”

When asked, she told her family that the judge’s wife used to torture and beat her with batons and spoons daily and did not provide her with dinner.

The FIR said the girl was detained in a room since her arrival at the house. Later, the family took her to the Sargodha DHQ hospital where the girl’s condition deteriorated and was then referred to Lahore.