Callum Murphy, aged 24, of Old Stoke Road, Aylesbury and Azad Hussain, aged 29, of Oak Green, Aylesbury both pleaded guilty to one count of being concerned in the Supply of Cocaine at Aylesbury Crown Court on Thursday, February 15.

Police Constable Jake Farrell, of the Stronghold team, said: “On October 12 last year, Callum Murphy and Azad Hussain were arrested by Thames Valley Police on suspicion of drugs supply after being subjects of a proactive investigation.
“The force established that Murphy was in charge of running a cocaine drugs line that was supplying drugs in the Aylesbury area.
“Hussain was supplying cocaine
Murphy and Hussain were charged with the offences on October 13 last year and were sentenced at Aylesbury Crown Court on Thursday, February 15.
Murphy has been jailed for three years and nine months, and Hussain has been jailed for three years.
Police Constable Jake Farrell added: “Stronghold is Thames Valley Police’s project to tackle serious and organised crime.
“We are relentless in our pursuit of those who are involved in drugs supply by using both overt and covert tactics. We know who you are, we will arrest you, stop your supply and take you to court.
“If you have suspicions of drugs offences in your area, you can make a report by going to our website by calling 101, or by contacting Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”