Honest PIA Employee Returns £1.5 Millions To Passenger at Heathrow

An honest PIA staff members returned a hand bang worth millions of pounds to British Pakistani national who forgot it at PIA Heathrow help desk.

Honest PIA Employee Returns £1.5 Millions To Passenger at Heathrow
Honest PIA Employee Returns £1.5 Millions To Passenger at Heathrow

British Citizen Mohammed Ashraf was travelling from London to Islamabad on PIA flight PK786 when he lost his hand bag which contain £4000 cash and saving certificates worth Rs300 Million. at a cash counter on PIA’s Heathrow desk.

Ashraf boarded into plane and realized that he didn’t have his bag with him. The panic passenger then contacted the PIA staff and informed them that he had lost his all life savings but didn’t know where.

PIA crew members

informed PIA staff at Heathrow Airport and flew off with the depressed passenger to Islamabad. Meanwhile PIA staff member Muhammad Naveed Qureshi found the bag near a desk by the security gate and immediately handed it over to Station Manager Iyaz Khan for safekeeping.

Passenger was informed via PIA Flight Captain, Ashraf was overjoyed and he couldn’t believe it after hearing that his saving certificates and cash are safe with the PIA staff.

The act of kindness from PIA and its staff saved the life saving of British-Pakistani citizen, who admired the honesty of PIA Staffer and told the value of certificates and said it was his life long saving.

Qureshi said that the PIA staff will returned belongings of passengers instantly by Next flight from UK to Islamabad Airport in Pakistan.